Office building NEW HANZA
About the project
Customer: MT1 Ltd. (part of Pillar Capital PLC)
Year: 2021-2023
Area: 17 041 m2
Address: Mihaila Tāla street 1, Riga
gadā dibinātā AS Pillar Capital investē komerciālajos nekustamajos īpašumos, novirzot gan savus, gan trešo pušu līdzekļus.
Tās mērķis ir nodrošināt ilgtermiņa kapitāla pieaugumu, palielinot īres ienākumus un paaugstinot īpašumu vērtību.
Best Building of the Year in Latvia 2023 2nd Place in the nomination New Public Building Sustainability in Architecture, Construction, and Design 2022 1st Place in the nomination Most Sustainable Project 2022
Services provided at the project
- Engineering Consultation
- Construction Supervision
- BREEAM Excellent
The new office building, reaching a height of 49.14 meters above sea level, is the tallest structure in the expansive New Hanza area. What sets this building apart are the materials and high-tech solutions used in its construction, particularly in the realm of energy efficiency. Special attention has been given to details, such as entrance doors and a reception area made from 700-year-old oak. On the second floor, tenants can enjoy 500 square meters of shared workspace, including relaxation areas like a meditation room. Read more.
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