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The ZEISS OFFICES project was a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our multifaceted expertise and comprehensive approach,” shared Sergejs Frolovs, head of BLV Advisory Group. “The client utilized our full range of services: from conducting the tender for the general contractor and project management to overseeing bank financing and technical supervision.
This allowed us not only to fully meet the client's needs but also to demonstrate how our integrated solutions can significantly enhance planning efficiency and project quality, especially in challenging conditions.

Sergejs FrolovsCEO and founder of BLV advisory group

I have always believed that every building has a soul. When a building is constructed, the builders and developers imbue it with thoughts about what it will be like in 100 or 200 years, who will live there, and what will happen to it. We managed to infuse the ZEISS OFFICES building with our own soul—we filled it with people, spirit, energy, and events. I want to thank our wonderful team, who are developing the entire MŪKU SALA district, as well as our clients, who believed in us and are growing alongside us

Iveta BahmaneChairwoman of the Board of Mūkusalas Business Centre

This building is not just a structure of concrete and glass; it represents our ambitions, goals, and self-development. The Mūkusalas Business Centre team has worked for over 20 years to bring this project to life. We are building not just walls but an environment where we realize our ambitions and goals together with our clients

Klāvs Vasks Co-owner of Mūkusalas Business Centre

Riga is fortunate to have such talented entrepreneurs who can create not only ideas but also bring them to life. This project is a clear example that buildings developed with a genuine investment of heart and soul are vastly different from those built merely for profit. Walking into ZEISS OFFICES, you immediately feel the importance of quality.

Jānis Lucaus

Our closed survey among tenants revealed that, besides the convenience of the location and developed infrastructure, a significant advantage of MŪKU SALA as a business district is its proximity to market leaders like Tele2, Delfi, Bolt, Cognizant, and others. Our environment largely defines us, which is why MŪKU SALA is built on a strong, dynamic, supportive, and motivating community of professionals that we have developed and strengthened over the years.
Нас действительно во многом определяет наше окружение, именно поэтому в основе MŪKU SALA — сильное, динамичное, поддерживающее и мотивирующее сообщество профессионалов, которое нам удалось развить и укрепить за годы совместной работы.

Anita Pokrovska

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